Be a Day-Of Volunteer
**If Redirected from the Planning Committee Page - those spots are now full. Please consider being a day of volunteer! **
Volunteer Registration Opens June 1st

High-Level Volunteers serve in specific roles the day of the event or during set-up and tear-down and require knowledge and/or training prior to the event to ensure success. High-Level Volunteers attend a mandatory training session two to three weeks before the event. They may help supervise and direct Volunteers the day of the event. Many times High-Level Volunteers decide to get more involved with the event after their experience and go on to serve on the Planning Committee.
Volunteers are individuals or groups who cannot commit to the planning process but desire to support the event by donating their time and talent. There are over one hundred volunteer roles that need filled every year. Volunteers work under the direction and supervision of Event Planners or High-Level Volunteers. *They are required to attend an orientation prior to the event to learn about the event and their role. Without our Volunteers, this event would not be possible. Many times those who serve on the Planning Committee begin their time with the event as Volunteers.
* Volunteers are required to attend a Mandatory Volunteer Training meeting. The date is listed in the Volunteer Registration link. More information will be provided if you are selected to volunteer.
Questions can be directed to